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How to select door handle?

Publish Time: 2022-06-22     Origin: Site

In daily life, the door handle not only plays an important role in function, but also can add highlights to the home decoration with its various shapes and styles. As the saying goes, "details determine success or failure." If the door handle is not good, it will greatly reduce the effect of home decoration. But at present, the types and brands of door knobs on the home building materials market are of a large variety, and the styles are similar, but the prices are quite different. How to choose a door handle with satisfactory quality and reasonable prices?



Different brands and shapes lead to price differences

There are two kinds of high-grade imported door handles: complete set of imported door handles and domestic assembly of imported accessories. The prices of these two kinds of imported door handles are different, so we should pay attention to distinguish them when purchasing. Moreover, if the merchant says that it is imported, we should ask the merchant to issue the entry document. According to the industry, it is not that the more complex the structure of the lock, the more expensive the double tongue is not necessarily more expensive than the single tongue. A simple lock may not be unsafe, and a complex lock may not be reliable. The material on the door handle doesn't completely determine the price. Pure copper door handles are not necessarily more expensive than stainless steel, but the price is determined by the process difficulty and the size of the brand. Brass door knobs and antique door knobs are both very attractive.



Choose door handle type according to home decoration style

There are many kinds of door handles, and they can produce different matching effects when combined with different door panels. Some of the door handles are matched with the selected door. If the owner wants to buy the door handle by himself, he should consider the matching effect of the door handle and door panel, as well as whether the door position and other conditions are up to standard. Like the storm door handle and screen door handle, we also need to consider it. Choosing handles need to consider the doors and windows, furniture cabinet door size to adapt. If a very small cabinet door with a big handle is not suitable. On the contrary, it is not convenient to match a small handle with a large cabinet door.



Touch and knock to distinguish good from bad


Purchase, first of all, to check the surface color of the door handle and whether the protective film is damaged and scratched. A good door handle should be relatively dull in color to give people a stable feeling, and the line should be straight. If the line of the door handle is crooked, it is likely to be defective. Good light door handles should be bright and clear color, without any flaws.


As a part that we touch every day, the door handle's comfort is also very important. Therefore, when purchasing, we need to see whether the surface treatment is smooth and whether the pull is smooth or not. The edge of a good door handle should be smoothed, and there is no case of stubble sticking or cutting. Skyward seeks new ideas and modes of thinking, and seeks ways to combine the past with the future. Aluminum door handle and INOX diecasting handle are popular products of skyward.



When the owner chooses the door handle according to the situation of the home, he should also pay attention to whether the installation method of the door handle is the same as the general one. If it is different, the merchant will make special instructions when the owner purchases. For example, a lock is not installed from the front to the back, but from the back to the front. If the owner installs the lock at home, the lock is damaged due to a program error, which is not a quality problem of the lock and is not covered by the warranty. Besides door handles, closet door handles and wardrobe door knobs also need to be measured and tested in our decoration.

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